Saturday, February 20, 2010


Welcome to my blog Doujin Game Reviews.

I made this blog hoping it would help people find the doujin games they once played but now don't remember the name of. Furthermore, I hope I'll encourage people to try out doujin games they might have never played before. I hope my reviews will get better over time.

The reviews will consist of pictures, the review itself and a quick summary at the end. The summary is there so that anyone can quickly find out whether or not the game is for him. 

For a huge amount of doujin games, you can check the blog

Finally, I have to say I hope you all enjoy the reviews and please give me feedback.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Super Nin-e Sisters

Genre: Platform
Dimensions: 2D
Setting: Windows
Players: 1p

Today I bring you Super Nin-e Sisters. It’s a simple 2d side scrolling games, its basically a Mario clone.

For those who didn’t play Mario (go play it), you move from left to right jumping over chasms and collect coins. To defeat enemies you must jump on their head. There are floating bricks that you hit with your head. They may give you coins, mushrooms, or lives. Once you collect a mushroom you grow bigger and then if you get hit you don’t die immediately but return to your previous size. Finally if you are big and collect a flower you gain the ability to shoot (but you return to a smaller size and lose that ability once you get hit). During the level you can go through pipes and use short cuts.

Ok that summarizes Mario and a great deal of Super Nin-e Sisters. There are a few differences though, the level design is windows, meaning you jump on “My computer” and go into apps at the end of the level. Considering that Super Mario is an NES game Super Nin-e Sisters boasts a couple of times higher resolution. Besides the visuals, a few things are changed in the levels like the placement of enemies, bricks and secrets.
So it might sound like a nice substitute for Mario.

But Super Nin-e Sisters has its fair share of problems. The controls are pretty frustrating, you can’t play the game with a keyboard but instead you must use a mouse, it’s tedious and virtually impossible. Fortunately you can use a game pad, but the jumping segments are still pretty hard. The main problem is that you can jump higher by running and in some areas you don’t have too much space to maneuver easily. Even if you manage to jump on the platform its not uncommon to fall of the other end.

If you love Mario, than don’t suggest playing this game. This is an interesting game to try seeing how Mario would look in a windows theme but don’t expect anything more than that. It’s fun to try but it won’t hold your attention too long.

Graphics: It’s interesting seeing a Mario clone, but with an windows theme. The graphics are ok, but there is no where enough diversity.

Controls: Unresponsive and clunky. It’s pretty much unplayable with a mouse. The platforming parts that need precision are almost impossible.

Story: There is no story, not even the text when you get to the end of the level with lava.

Gameplay: Pretty frustrating. It’s more fun to play Mario.

Replay value: None, this game is the type that you try once and you don’t play again. You can select the level from which you want to start at the beginning. Levels don’t have a checkpoint, the last level is torture.

Best moment: managing to jump up to destroy the enemy that throws recycle bins in level 2000 – 1.

Official site:
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Thursday, February 4, 2010


Genre: Bullet hell shooter
Dimensions: 2D
Setting: Abstract
Players: 1p

Today I’ll do a review about Suica32, the most simple doujin game I ever played.

When you launch the game you’ll be greeted with the main menu. Its basically just the name of the game. Pressing any button will initialize the game. The game has a vast number of buttons. You can press the fire key to fire. The Dpad or arrow keys are for moving. That’s it.

With overly complex controls out of the way let’s talk about gameplay a little. You pilot a girl (moving her is painfully slow) while shooting other girls. Once you reach a certain amount of points (indicated in the top left) you get an extra life and you firing style changes. So at the beginning you shoot only straight ahead after, then you shoot in to 2 directions (left and right), the third upgrade lets you shot backward and forward at the same time, the forth shoots bullets around you in a short proximity, while the fifth one shots around you. After that you return to the first fire type and it keeps going round.

Enemies are also very varied they come in 1 shape and 2 sizes. The way they fire differs. Some fire in a radial way, others fire small bursts, but they all can only withstand one bullet, the exception being the ones who fire lasers who are very resilient. Once something hits you lose a life the screen gets cleared from the enemies and you get a huge amount of points (yea ridiculous).

There are boss fights in the game usually they end in a couple of seconds no matter who wins. They look exactly like the normal enemies only a lot bigger (what am I saying there are no normal enemies they are all the same). They fire a lot of bullets but if you know their patterns it’s not too difficult to beat them.
One last thing and I probably said everything there is about this game. Once you have only one life remaining, you start to glow red and your shots get stuck onto enemies so, that you can kill the laser shooters (and even bosses) in seconds.

That pretty much sums up this game. Even though I made it sound like this game is way too simple, it’s quite fun, I’d suggest everyone to try it because of its simplicity and interesting design choices (getting hit gives you a lot of points), but just don’t except too much depth.

Graphics: Cute player character and cute enemy sprite. The background is just sky. There are almost no effects.

One button, and the buttons for moving.


Gameplay: Fun and hard, but basically it’s a survival game so you just play it until you lose. Has a few interesting twists (like getting a lot of points when dying and the sixth weapon is worse than the previous one).

Replay value:
Unless you are trying to get a high score, this game is fun for a few minutes.

Best moment: Having a good weapon, gaining a level gaining a life and getting a awful weapon and losing a life after that.

Official site:
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Drill Milky Punch

Genre: Fighting, Party
Dimensions: 2D
Setting: Abstract
Players: 1-6

Till now I have only made reviews of single player games. Time for that to change. Today I’ll review Drill Milky Punch.
Drill milky punch is essentially a fighting party game, where the characters work together (or against one another) fighting thousands and thousands of enemies. The main feature is the ability to play with up to 5 buddies (yes that’s right, 6 players in total).

The game uses 4 buttons (you’ll probably use just use attack and maybe pause to go to the toilet). The most used button is attack, it attacks the enemy and launches him backward, if he hits someone that person also flies backwards. So this usually results in waves of destruction, by hitting only one enemy. The next button is stun, it stuns the enemies for a couple of seconds. I really don’t know who uses this, because almost every hit results in an instant kill (except for bosses). Even if you stun a boss if anything hits him the stun is over, so it’s pretty much useless. There is also a button that locates your character, so that you don’t get confused in matches with a lot of people. Finally there is the pause button which is self explanatory.

The charge attack gives this game some flavor. Once the attack becomes charged you can hurl the enemy further, making even bigger combos. The stun also has a charge, but I really don’t know whether this prolongs the stun time. You can get additional points by collecting food that enemies drop, or by throwing enemies into that food.

There are a lot of enemy types dolls, aliens, cooks, killer plants that shot fire balls. You usually have to know you to react to which enemy type in order to survive. Having yourself surrounded by killer plants almost always results in lost lives. You can take a few hits before losing one life, the invincibility time between every hit is almost nonexistent, but after you die you get a couple of seconds of invincibility. Bosses are usually the only enemies that don’t multiply and they can take a huge beating. Bosses come in the form of girls, cars, potatoes (?).

There are six characters to choose from, they all use close ranged attack, except the nekko mimi that fires an arrow. I think this makes the game a little unbalanced, especially if you are playing against someone.

Like I said the main feature of this game is playing it with someone, the more the merrier. There are 2 game modes, one is arcade mode that lasts until all the players die. The second mode is time attack where you get 2 or 5minutes to get as many points as possible. Time attack is just for one player, but you can still compete with other people by showing them your score. The arcade mode has game types when playing with more than 1 player. There is normal where players can’t hurt each other directly, nor hurt each other indirectly using enemies. The second game type is Battle Royale, Where players can fight each other.

The music is forgettable, the graphics are cute. But the backgrounds are just boring, they are always the same. You can pick one at the beginning of the stage but it remains the same during entire game.

This game only becomes really fun if you play it with someone. If you don’t have friends this game can get boring after a few time attack games, so what are you waiting for go make some friends.

Graphics: Cute characters, cute enemies. The amount of enemies can change in a second. The background is just one image.

Controls: 4 buttons. Attack (you get a charged attack by holding down attack), Critical (also has charge), find (finds you character in the chaos), pause.

Story: No story. Honestly I couldn’t figure out how they could make a story with so many different enemy types.

Gameplay: It’s really fun when you have someone to play with. It supports up to 6 playes (2 on the keyboard). 

Replay value: Alone, none. The more people the longer its replay value.

Best moment: Cleaning the entire screen by hitting one enemy with a charged attack.

Official site:
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