Thursday, February 4, 2010


Genre: Bullet hell shooter
Dimensions: 2D
Setting: Abstract
Players: 1p

Today I’ll do a review about Suica32, the most simple doujin game I ever played.

When you launch the game you’ll be greeted with the main menu. Its basically just the name of the game. Pressing any button will initialize the game. The game has a vast number of buttons. You can press the fire key to fire. The Dpad or arrow keys are for moving. That’s it.

With overly complex controls out of the way let’s talk about gameplay a little. You pilot a girl (moving her is painfully slow) while shooting other girls. Once you reach a certain amount of points (indicated in the top left) you get an extra life and you firing style changes. So at the beginning you shoot only straight ahead after, then you shoot in to 2 directions (left and right), the third upgrade lets you shot backward and forward at the same time, the forth shoots bullets around you in a short proximity, while the fifth one shots around you. After that you return to the first fire type and it keeps going round.

Enemies are also very varied they come in 1 shape and 2 sizes. The way they fire differs. Some fire in a radial way, others fire small bursts, but they all can only withstand one bullet, the exception being the ones who fire lasers who are very resilient. Once something hits you lose a life the screen gets cleared from the enemies and you get a huge amount of points (yea ridiculous).

There are boss fights in the game usually they end in a couple of seconds no matter who wins. They look exactly like the normal enemies only a lot bigger (what am I saying there are no normal enemies they are all the same). They fire a lot of bullets but if you know their patterns it’s not too difficult to beat them.
One last thing and I probably said everything there is about this game. Once you have only one life remaining, you start to glow red and your shots get stuck onto enemies so, that you can kill the laser shooters (and even bosses) in seconds.

That pretty much sums up this game. Even though I made it sound like this game is way too simple, it’s quite fun, I’d suggest everyone to try it because of its simplicity and interesting design choices (getting hit gives you a lot of points), but just don’t except too much depth.

Graphics: Cute player character and cute enemy sprite. The background is just sky. There are almost no effects.

One button, and the buttons for moving.


Gameplay: Fun and hard, but basically it’s a survival game so you just play it until you lose. Has a few interesting twists (like getting a lot of points when dying and the sixth weapon is worse than the previous one).

Replay value:
Unless you are trying to get a high score, this game is fun for a few minutes.

Best moment: Having a good weapon, gaining a level gaining a life and getting a awful weapon and losing a life after that.

Official site:

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